Coronatió - Medieval

Coronatió - Medieval

Saturday, September 19, 2009

pretty chill couple days

nice rainy blues weather,

i can just almost picture how it feels hanging round the beach and it drizzles instead of sunny bright day, well i like both :)
Not much of a idea but a certain joy simply brought out during rainy days where i can take a step back, dig myself into that moment of peace.

Well, past 2 days certainly set me into the mood of getting things straighten up later. gotta retract & re-structure things abit, especially so when there are really loads of things-to-do piling up, needa strike that particular balance properly.

Ya i think i needed that reminder, always do fall short slightly. Right, time to pen thoughts and plans

1st priority! NZ snowboarding - June/July 2010
man just cant seem to get tis outta my head.

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